zine atlas 01 with chris hunt + show / vatican shadow at the 529

in collaboration with composer and filmmaker chris hunt, we selected about 20 components to create a scented fog for the show at night club 529, october 17, 2019. we made our own fog solution to avoid any typical smell of commercial fog (dry toasted sugar?). the composition was divided for 3 parts and used in live improvisation from the stage during a performance of chris hunt, which opened the artist vatican shadow.

selected molecules also were implemented into scented zine atlas 01, in which odors were synchronized with visual works of chris hunt and each page had its own two molecules. The zine was printed on semi-transparent paper, A5 format and was released very limited edition and released at the show at the concert venue 529.

some components which we used:

C10H10O3, C14H20O, C13H18O, C16H26O, C13H15N, C12H14O, C18 H32 O, C12H22O, C16H26O, C13H22O3, etc.

zapah lab